As we struggle for balance in the maelstrom of public events, it may be helpful to remember that we have been through this before in the period seventy years ago called McCarthyism for its creator, Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin.
We Shall Overcome
We have been through hard times, politically, often before, although many are probably too young to have witnessed Vietnam or the McCarthy period, when it also seemed as though Democracy was at stake.
Beware the Bogeyman
The bogeyman is a mythical creature, used to frighten children. It can take many forms. One form may be a loud, big, tumultuous man.
Truth and Reconciliation
So how do we move forward?
My Mother’s Nightgown
Wednesday as we were reeling from the aftereffects of the election, my dear sister Eleanor sent me a care package.
The Lost Cause Rises Again
Early yesterday evening as I was watching the election coverage, I saw it on the screen: the solid South, the mass of red states in the Southeast that told me too clearly who our next president is going to be.
What Is Strength
We are now caught in an unarticulated contest between “strength” and “weakness” going into the presidential election.
Hawk-Eye Is Here
After Donald Trump’s ear was shot at the rally last Saturday, one of the uniformed men rushing onto the stage shouted, “Hawk-Eye is here!” and I felt the thrill I used to feel as a child when a wizard or a powerful fairy arrived to set things right.
Where Are the Women?
As always happens when the United States is at war, now on three fronts, women disappear.