My plight is not so dire as what will face all of us when our water really is gone.
Privilege and the Privy
If there is any excuse for privilege—and I don’t think there’s any hope of eliminating it in the near or long future—it’s that inheritors have an obligation to preserve land.
Spring, Not Trump
I dig a hole and add my load, closing it over with a prayer, as well as more dirt: that I, too, my be more happy, considering my extraordinary good luck in just about all areas of my life: work, love, family, friends, health…
Cleaning Out My Outhouse
I enjoy my outhouse because it is in my view transgressive. I enjoy transgressions and I miss the energy of evil… the shaking of the roots of our assumptions… in most of the contemporary fiction I read and even in a lot of the fiction I write.
My Privy
Yes, indeed, I have a privy.