Pip, my shelter dog pitbull mix, died peacefully on Saturday after nine years of a beautiful life, hiking, enjoying the dog park, going with me on all kinds of adventures.
Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself
Now that girls are not routinely instructed in fear—of mice, spiders, snakes, and the unknown—our native courage is much in evidence.
Pip Is Tired
Pip is full of self-will—one of the reasons we get on so well—and likes to dictate as much of his life as he can.
Christmas Miracle: Pip Is Completely Recovered!
It took six weeks and three trips to the vet after his savage attack but we just took the first hike since that happened…
The Price of Fear
A few days ago, my dog Pip was attacked as he lay sleeping on my patio here in the mountains, bitten savagely in three places.
Summer Sports: Volleyball
As I sit on a bench in the shade waiting for him, I see a group of eight young people working at pegging the outline of a big square and digging in two posts for a net.
Such a bland word, and I haven’t always appreciated its value, assuming that kindness is just one of our many gifts as human beings.
Out of Darkness
I have learned in dark times to turn to a few trusted resources.
The Blessing of Snow
For anyone who lives where early January brings the first major snowfall, there is a feeling that everything is right with the world.
Train Me
Yesterday morning Pip and I started on a new adventure: our first obedience class.