My mother didn’t favor books written for children since she believed we could all absorb adult literature at an early age and be the better for it—and I think she was probably right.
How to Be a Goop
Many of the actions described in today’s news could have been carried out by Goops.
New Car
Over the weeks, my anger grew at the thought that such an inconvenience—a turn signal that wouldn’t stop—was somehow considered an improvement.
Mister Jackson
Is there any reason to hope that we humans can also “abandon our usual strategies and learn something new and unexpected?”
Mr. Toad
Sitting long hours in the classroom arouses in me the restlessness that was the bane, or perhaps the blessing of my childhood: when will I be let out? Eventually the discussion catches my attention, but first there is the longing for the open road that I first encountered, in fiction, in Kenneth Grahame’s delicious The Wind in the Willows.