What has happened since to weaken our moral fiber and make some of us unwilling to sacrifice?
What’s Good About It
As we head into the sixth—or is it the seventh month?—of the pandemic, I’m reflecting on what sweet juice can be extracted from these sour grapes.
Puttin’ On the Ritz
That’s what we all need right here (wherever here is) and right now.
L’esprit de L’escalier
We took our usual shortcut through an open field where an old house used to stand…
Paranoia or Self-Pity
We tend to be rather forgiving of ourselves and others when we describe the fears we are experiencing as “paranoid”—whether they are or not. The same forgiveness is not granted to those of us who say we are “full of self-pity.”
Searching for Community
There has to be some kind of work, it seems to me, to bind a group together. Socializing and shopping together are not enough.
How Creative We Are!
Amazing to see the way friends and strangers here in Santa Fe do more than “adapt” to the virus—they make hay out of it.