I look on the eighteen short stories in How Daddy Lost His Ear and Other Stories as a miracle I will never entirely understand—or need to—but here’s a stab at it.
Moving Along Into 2025
Perhaps this great success of Shawnee is what all writers finally achieve—this is my sixteenth published book—but I doubt if it’s that alone.
Moving On
So many possible scenarios! So much fascinating reading!
Sallie Bingham & Joan Brooks Baker
I’ll be reading one of the 18 short stories in my forthcoming book Cowboy Tales on Thursday, November 14th at the Santa Fe Main Library.
My Next Book After My Next Book
How fortunate I am to have access to this incredibly rich trove of letters! Now that letter writing is at an end, there will be no more such collections.
Maybe Brett
Blessed as I always am in my work, I’ve discovered a possible new topic for a biography in the life of the British/American painter, Dorothy Brett.
Smoke Signals
Today I’m wondering about the future of literature in our beleaguered country.