The old vows for heterosexual couples now seem not only outdated but impossibly demanding; gay couples perhaps have a different attitude.
The soft, slow ending of the summer here brings much needed rain, coolness, and the coming to fruition of many fruits and vegetables.
Two More Seconds of Daylight
Where tribes were destroyed or driven out, many of us relative newcomers are not aware of the history that confronts us here in the Southwest every day.
The Century Plant
The wisdom of old age: to stay and savor, rather than leaving to experience more.
Spring Planting
The Horsetooth Corn will grow vigorously to remind us all that fertility, growth and abundance is still possible.
Over the Hills and a Great Way Off
In the midst of the confusion and chaos of this presidential race, I’m comforted by my daily walk to the pond.
Black Pip and Quan Yin
It has taken me all these years to begin to spare myself from battling reality, to begin to admit that certain human beings whom I love cannot love me, and that the leash around my neck is made out of links forged every time I battle this fact.
The Blue Box Debuts: First Public Reading!
There are moments in life that are so precious, so sweet, that years later they still ring like a set of silver chimes.
My Garden In Drought
This spring, for the first time in my twenty-three years in Santa Fe, I will not be planting a flower garden.
My Privy
Yes, indeed, I have a privy.