As I prepared on Friday to head back to Kentucky for a short visit, I was reflecting on the meaning of home.
A Kick in the Pants
Is it a coincidence that the head of Penn and the head of Harvard, one ousted the other threatened with ouster, are both women?
An Unexpected Reason for Our Sliding Backwards…
It’s not a surprise to find that many young people are employed at firms where the parent of their same gender work, but since women are earning at a lower rate, I’d be surprised to find that as many young women follow their mothers into the job market as men follow their fathers.
How Things Change
It’s a small example and yet, I think, a telling one: how women were admitted as members to the Harvard Club of New York City.
The Way It Was
We all want to forget our history, especially when it is shameful, and for this reason I am particularly grateful for a just-published biography of my peers.
My Harveys
My story is in different ways horrible from the gross physical attacks perpetrated by men I would not honor with the term, “sick.”
A Terrible Admission
I must make a terrible admission: I believe Stephen Sondheim is the most talented composer of this century or any other. Yes—not Bach, Mozart or any of the other so-called on greats we are called on to worship from grade school on, but dear, beautiful, ironic, soulful Sondheim.
On Making Lists
It seems that the pros and cons of relationships, or individuals, have in the end little influence on my decisions, which spring usually from a hidden pocket of my intuition—hidden, even from me, as well as from the lovers or would-be lovers or husbands who encounter my will.