Elemental, terrifying, and beautifully rendered—often in tender pastels—these images of women in the throes of labor and birth speak to the power we, as a gender, are often afraid to claim.
Living with a Fool 2
I am ever grateful to the Harwood Museum, its board, staff and director, and especially to the two women who curated this extraordinary exhibit: Janet Webb and Judith Kendall who have the courage of their convictions.
Angel Sallie
No longer subject to colonization and condescension, have we found our landscapes, at last?
Mabel’s House
It seems we are still confined, in our appreciation of women, to admiring our roles as facilitators of other people’s lives.
Still Rattling Cages
In the end, the cage the Guerrilla Girls are rattling are the cages that confine all of us, tighter and tighter as we devise more categories that define us narrowly and separate us more completely.