It was never my intention to create a private estate, and it gives me great satisfaction to know that River Fields organizes seasonal wildflower walks at the farm, and that a generation of children is growing up in my three rental houses.
Why I Love Westerns
I try to ration my secret passion, or rather its secret satisfaction, like a love affair I don’t want anyone to know about.
Adventure / Adventurer
The price exacted by a culture determined to keep us in our place is high. It has always been high and I think it may always be high.
Dogs, Horses—And Fish
“Don’t feel sorry for The Teaser,” our guide told us, though it seemed to me more likely we might feel sorry for the mares.
Astride: Women, Girls, Horses—and Wolves
Wilderness can be healing. So, too, can the company of horses… they give a woman perched bareback sustenance, reassurance, even love.
Old Love
Now and then, due to luck or grace or the peculiar workings of that agency those of us who have any sense call A Higher Power (drawing the line at The, though), people come back into my life, vastly changed but still recognizable, at least after a while, as newer versions—reincarnations—of people I lost or sloughed off years ago.
Girls, Ponies and Horses
Galloping across a dusty plain may be the best possible preparation for dealing with the complexities of negotiating a woman’s life in the twenty-first century.