Our faces show the inevitable effects of age but our hands seem to me to retain a little of our youthful hopefulness.
by Sallie Bingham in Women, Travel 2 Comments
by Sallie Bingham in Women, Travel 2 Comments
Our faces show the inevitable effects of age but our hands seem to me to retain a little of our youthful hopefulness.
In Women, Travel Favorites of 2023 Ireland Mary Caperton Bingham
As I prepare to let go of the previous trove of letters that make up the body of my next book, The Blue Box: Three Lives in Letters, and that detail the lives of my great-grandmother, grandmother and mother, from 1850 to 1931, I realize that I am most fond of my grandmother, Helena Caperton Lefroy, or at least of her memory.
In My Family, Writing The Blue Box Helena Lefroy Caperton Macdowell Colony Ireland