To what degree are we talented women constrained in fulfilling our ambitions by the fear of being labelled insane or cast out?
A Brief History of the Kentucky Foundation for Women and Hopscotch House
Having long learned… the effect of art created by women on the lives of other women… I decided to design a foundation that would support women artists in Kentucky working as feminists for social change.
Phillip and Good Friday
Now that I’ve placed the issues around saving Hopscotch in the hands of my very competent attorneys, for today a few thoughts about Phillip and Good Friday.
Northern Bobwhite Quail
It may seem strange that in the midst of the problems with Hopscotch and the Kentucky Foundation for Women, I’m choosing to write about the Bobwhite Quail. There are two reasons…
More Hopscotch
I can’t go into detail about our plans to preserve Hopscotch; this is complicated legally, and if successful, would be a landmark case, protecting other donors who find that their gifts have been abused by the not-for-profit they trusted.
More Soon About Hopscotch
To my friends, more soon about Hopscotch.
KFW: Hopscotch House Announcement 2024
I would like to hear a reaction from any woman who has used Hopscotch House in the past. Please leave a message below, on Facebook, or via email.
What Do I Have in Common With Elon Musk?
His suit against OpenAI, just commencing in California, has some similarities with my struggles with what has become of the Kentucky Foundation for Women.
Letter to the Editor, The Courier-Journal, 2/19/2024
I am writing to protest the just announced sale of Hopscotch House by the Kentucky Foundation for Women.
This Beautiful Weave
It strikes me that I have days like Sunday which seem to be a beautiful weaving of threads: red, blue, and all the other colors of the rainbow.