Many who hear or read the phrase seize on its Biblical meaning which was literal and remains literal today, and as yet no one has suggested attempting to replace the book with Let Us Now Praise Famous Women.
Pick Up Your Socks
The Federal government is having difficulty picking up its socks, in this case, the toxic waste left here in New Mexico and elsewhere as the result of sixty years of nuclear weapons building.
Where Is the Match
It may be the role of our spiritual leaders—those we accept—to give us the wood for a fire but expect us to provide the match. I thought of that Monday
Dead Souls
What happened to the energy and hope that created the Women’s Movement? The urge to reform capitalism that was a part of the 1960s?
“‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers,” Emily Dickinson wrote in 1861, wisely putting quotation marks around the word to signify its unreliability, for nothing is more easily crushed in our world today.
I’m always interested in the lives of women who jump into these ambitious, deadly federal projects—jump in, fall in, are pulled or sucked in.
Truth and Reconciliation
I want to draw my readers’ attention to the extraordinary visit of Pope Francis to Canada to apologize personally for the destruction of thousands of Native children over the course of two centuries.
First We Burn
The national news, which almost never recognizes that New Mexico is a state—after all we have only five Congressional delegates—has been pricked into awareness by our five fires, one of
Another Silent Spring
Would it have made a difference if a man had written it, a well-known scientist? I wondered that this morning as I walked through our parched and silent woods here
The Right to Be Forgotten
Innocent till proven guilty? A sword with two edges.