How blessed I am to leave near a little spot in the desert that deserves, and is given, its very own ode.
Nearly Lost
The first issue, of course, is to level the playing field so that women have the same opportunities for education and performance as men.
Free To Be… You And Me
For a while, there was magic in the air.
A Woman Conducts
So what is the difference between a woman conducting and a man?
Do Right Woman: Aretha Franklin
No one can appreciate the depth of Aretha Franklin’s influence as clearly as women, like me, who came of age in the Feminist Movement in the late 1960’s.
Volare (2018)
What do we do with the remnants of romance when we have long outgrown it?
Music Hath Charms
I grew up with almost no music at all. Music, after all, is not words and only words counted in that world.
There are so many obligations, so many treats and distractions, that I have failed—until now—to change my life to accommodate the books I still want and need to write.
The Great I Am
There remains for me always an uneasiness about those large egos that can so easily trample smaller ones, even when the owner of the ego does not choose to exercise that power.
Closing in on Doris Duke
What a hegira this has been, from the first day I called for a box of research materials at the Duke University Library to the pile of manuscript pages lying beside my computer.