Ideas are dangerous: it’s of their very nature, and it’s a danger that permeates the world of reading and writing.
What The West Wind Blows…
Two of my sons have been or are in the independent film business where I thought it only grew – New York and Los Angeles. The cost there is prohibitive and finding money is nearly impossible; the star system makes casting a low budget film impossible. But here, in this small southern town and doubtless in small and larger towns all over the country, creativity reigns.
Ten Favorites: A Valediction Forbidding Mourning
So often, when I’m teaching in these uncelebrated venues to women who sometimes seem lost to my word, I feel fruitless and frustrated; yet any one of the many women I have taught might, also, has written WOW next to startling lines in a poem they would never have read without my class.
A Valediction Forbidding Mourning: Adrienne Rich and Colette
So often, when I’m teaching in these uncelebrated venues to women who sometimes seem lost to my word, I feel fruitless and frustrated; yet any one of the many women I have taught might, also, has written WOW next to startling lines in a poem they would never have read without my class.