As we again face a form of invasion, of lies and distortions, not soldiers, will we again be crippled by our adherence to older forms of “correct behavior”?
Why Are Some Women Conservatives
I’ve been thinking a lot about the reasons why some women may vote for the felon…
Next Year in Jerusalem
Obsessions always interest me having hosted several of them with various results but I doubt that any of mine have shared the intensity with which Jews at the conclusion of Passover all over the world shout, “Next year in Jerusalem!” the dynamite that powers the unending war to erase Palestine.
Sallie’s Two Fans — The Blue Box: Three Lives In Letters
Now that my next book, my thirteenth or fourteenth—I’ve lost track—is only a month away from publication by Sarabande Books, I’m thinking of the three women whose lives my book attempts to encompass: my great-grandmother, my grandmother and my mother.
And The Good News Is…
The first review of my next book, “The Blue Box: Three Lives in Letters”, is just in from the prestigious Kirkus Reviews from which many libraries order.
After Twenty-Five Years: Reflecting on the Origins of the Sallie Bingham Archive for Women’s Papers
It is not only the personal that our papers record but the way the personal becomes political, even for women who may never recognize the connection.