An article in a recent New Yorker reminded me of how unable to change I was as a college student in the late 1950s when the old rules were breaking all around me.
Now It’s Happening!
I have been feeling for years that the big effort we made in the early 1980’s to expand the presence of women as playwrights and directors had stalled.
Moscow Rehearsals
One of the serendipitous rewards of time spent in New York City is the rediscovery of long lost and forgotten connections.
The Vanguard
I am looking forward to the rare opportunity that will be offered me, and I’m looking forward with even more interest to the fascinating variety of presentations that will make up the program.
Here Comes the Swan
Instead of Swan talk, I’m attaching an announcement about the recent death of my dear friend and mentor, Julia Miles, founder of The Women’s Project and Productions in New York City in the 1980’s.
Nasty Women
Women do not see their crucial concerns acted on the stage, we do not read theatre reviews written by women critics, and… women do not buy the majority of tickets to the plays we write.
The Women’s Project Theater: Good News At Last
Over time, the survival of the Women’s Project, the largest and oldest theatre in this country supporting the work of women, will depend on our ability as past and present and future supporters to believe in a restored vision. Good luck, Lisa!
Update on The Womens Project
The petition protesting the termination of Julie Crosby as Artistic Director of the Women’s Project gained the signatures of over seven hundred people. The signers included this country’s most accomplished theatre artists, leaders, managers, and supporters.
That Old Baby of Mine…
We were fearless back then, as we have continued to be.