What happened to the energy and hope that created the Women’s Movement? The urge to reform capitalism that was a part of the 1960s?
She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry
This is the documentary we have all been waiting for—for decades: a restoration through rediscovered news footage and interviews of that great time in the late sixties and early seventies when the contemporary women’s movement stormed the two coasts and took possession of our imaginations…
Ten Favorites: Starting Something — The Women’s Project, New York
It was the 1980’s and the three of us-Julia, Joan and I-were possessed by the spirit of the times-that energizing, reckless, laughing spirit that was born of the modern women’s movement. We could do anything. Even stir up trouble.
Starting Something: The Women’s Project, New York
It was the 1980’s and the three of us-Julia, Joan and I-were possessed by the spirit of the times-that energizing, reckless, laughing spirit that was born of the modern women’s movement. We could do anything. Even stir up trouble.