Four generations of outrageous, of-the-moment characters thrive amidst hardship in their own way, turning the myth of the Old West on its head.
Anthologies Containing Short Stories by Sallie Bingham
Treason: A Sallie Bingham Reader
Sarabande Books (August 18, 2020) — Anthologies
This Sallie Bingham Reader captures the spirit of the author’s illustrious writing career via short stories, a novella, and a play.
Road to Nowhere and Other New Stories from the Southwest
University of New Mexico Press (8/1/2013) — Anthologies
The Southwest of the twenty-first century is full of surprises, and so is this collection of southwestern short stories published between 2007 and 2011. The writers represented here remind us that this is not the “Old Southwest” of gunfighters and sagebrush but, instead, a place of rock collectors, palm readers, and Russian mail-order brides. Well-known authors like Sallie Bingham, Ron Carlson, Laura Furman, and Dagoberto Gilb are joined here by exciting newcomers Eddie Chuculate, Don Waters, Claire Vaye Watkins, and others.
Scenes from the Common Wealth: Short Plays and Monologues by Kentucky Women
Motes Books (5/25/2013) — Anthologies
Experienced and novice writers are presented together in this unique volume of monologues and short scripts. This anthology highlights a significant force in contemporary American theatre-the growing presence of women as playwrights. Award-winners are here, and so are undiscovered voices. They have one thing in common…their individual artistic journeys all include time spent in Kentucky-some for a short while, others for a lifetime.
Home and Beyond: An Anthology of Kentucky Short Stories
University Press of Kentucky (7/1/2001) — Anthologies
Morris Grubbs has sifted through vintage classics, little-known gems, and stunning debuts to assemble this collection of forty stories by popular and critically acclaimed writers. In subtle and profound ways they challenge and overturn accepted stereotypes about the land their authors call home, whether by birth or by choice. Kentucky writers have produced some of the finest short stories published in the last fifty years, much of which focuses on the tension between the comforts of community and the siren-like lure of the outside world.