River Fields protects, preserves and enhances the natural and cultural resources, including agricultural and scenic resources, on both sides of the Ohio River between Westport and West Point, Kentucky, for the benefit of the public.
River Fields executed a conservation easement on Wolf Pen Branch Mill Farm in 1999, helping to protect this land, and other natural and historic resources in Kentucky, from development. River Fields website.
For more of the story, please read my post, Can We Still Grind Corn?
The Kentucky Foundation for Women
The 2014 Artist Enrichment Grant deadline has passed, but there is still much going on Please check their website for the latest information.
For more information, visit http://www.kfw.org or call the KFW office at 502-562-0045 or toll free 1-866-654-7564.
Women’s International Study Center
The mission of the Women’s International Study Center is to interpret the lives and advance the contributions of Eva Scott, Leonora Muse and Leonora Curtin in the arts, sciences, cultural preservation and business, while preserving their Santa Fe home, Acequia Madre House™, and related collections.
Women’s International Study Center
Now and then, not frequently, I come across a brilliant example of an artist using her work to help. A lot of art has no such intention, and indeed other of Laurie’s creations have other ends. But here’s an example of what I mean: do open this link. Sallie
Teaching at the Women’s Prison by Laurie Doctor
Women Writing Women’s Lives
I’ve been a member of Women Writing Women’s Lives for years.
WWWL is an ongoing seminar of about sixty women engaged in writing book-length biographies and memoirs. The group first began meeting in 1990 and represents a wide range of feminist perspectives and a variety of professional backgrounds. Members include academics, independent scholars, and journalists.