I look on the eighteen short stories in How Daddy Lost His Ear and Other Stories as a miracle I will never entirely understand—or need to—but here’s a stab at it.
Blog Posts on Writing and Authors
I’m Proud!
I’ve changed and the site has changed since I started it in 2002.
Some Miracles
I’ve been blessed often in my life but seldom as fully as in this past week.
Cures for the Blues
We’ve been told by many authorities to get outside and walk… another surefire cure for the blues is poetry… And then there’s the power in singing, anytime, anywhere with any kind of voice.
Moving Along Into 2025
Perhaps this great success of Shawnee is what all writers finally achieve—this is my sixteenth published book—but I doubt if it’s that alone.
I Hear America Singing
I just learned that today 91 million Americans are singing: in choral groups, choirs, schools, singalongs and all kinds of informal gatherings, many more than participate in other forms of the arts.
Moving On
So many possible scenarios! So much fascinating reading!
Truth and Reconciliation
So how do we move forward?
Why Are Some Women Conservatives
I’ve been thinking a lot about the reasons why some women may vote for the felon…
My Next Book After My Next Book
How fortunate I am to have access to this incredibly rich trove of letters! Now that letter writing is at an end, there will be no more such collections.