I propose to counter panic with specific remedies, for panic only hands more power to the oppressor.
Blog Posts on Politics
Live Wires
As the tide of misogamy sweeps toward us, I’m noticing—as perhaps some of you have—that women are falling silent.
The Nature of Evil
In the last few days, I’ve had to face the fact that now, if for the first time, Evil is operating in our world.
Sometimes I Feel Discouraged
We cannot afford to be discouraged for long. Above all, we cannot afford to be afraid.
Nigerian Leaper
Wherever you are as you read this, however disturbed and disheartened by the condition of our country, remember the Nigerian Leaper.
A Bomb Upon the Ceiling
I often turn to Emily Dickinson’s poems in troubled times. Friday I came across one of her more startling aphorisms..
Being Ladies
As we again face a form of invasion, of lies and distortions, not soldiers, will we again be crippled by our adherence to older forms of “correct behavior”?
The New McCarthyism
As we struggle for balance in the maelstrom of public events, it may be helpful to remember that we have been through this before in the period seventy years ago called McCarthyism for its creator, Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin.
We Shall Overcome
We have been through hard times, politically, often before, although many are probably too young to have witnessed Vietnam or the McCarthy period, when it also seemed as though Democracy was at stake.
Beware the Bogeyman
The bogeyman is a mythical creature, used to frighten children. It can take many forms. One form may be a loud, big, tumultuous man.