An article in a recent New Yorker reminded me of how unable to change I was as a college student in the late 1950s when the old rules were breaking all around me.
Blog Posts about Theater
Now It’s Happening!
I have been feeling for years that the big effort we made in the early 1980’s to expand the presence of women as playwrights and directors had stalled.
A Drop of Pure Joy
A few weeks ago, my beloved dance studio threw its bi-annual Showcase, an afternoon of dance performances by students and teachers for our own pleasure and satisfaction after a lot of hard work and many lessons.
Somewhere Out There You…
As I’m listening to long-forgotten but amazingly familiar tunes, I’m remembering the high point of my visit to Dublin last week…
Working With the System
Reviews and revisions of Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House” sprout with each new Broadway season, an indication of how relevant, and how difficult this 1879 play continues to be.
Moscow Rehearsals
One of the serendipitous rewards of time spent in New York City is the rediscovery of long lost and forgotten connections.
Doris Redux
I’m about to leave New York City in its grey rain for Newport and Rough Point, the big house on Ocean Avenue Doris inherited from her father and that seems to have been closely associated, for her, with her mother.
O for a Muse of Fire
Ordinary, daily speech has always been sloppy, but what is sliding away is the higher use of words as in the great plays, great literature, and great poetry.
I just received an email which appeared to be from Amazon—logo, etc.—advising me of a purchase of a laptop by a man named Craig something in Delaware and asking me to call.
Treason on Stage
It was Ezra Pound’s personal story of committing treason against the U.S. during World War Two and his even longer-lasting treason against the three women who loved him that drove me to writing this play.