If our coming together seldom includes our work, and is largely social, our influence on our communities is limited.
Sexual Politics
Kate Millett, a great leader and inspirer for many of us in the 1970’s and 80’s has just died at 82.
by Sallie Bingham in Women, Writing 1 Comment
If our coming together seldom includes our work, and is largely social, our influence on our communities is limited.
In Women, Writing Adrienne Rich Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History & Culture Bitch magazine Kate Millett Rosemary Daniell
by Sallie Bingham in Women 5 Comments
Kate Millett, a great leader and inspirer for many of us in the 1970’s and 80’s has just died at 82.
In Women Sweet Honey In The Rock Feminism Kate Millett Phyllis Chesler