We may all be susceptible to thinking our “personal” stories are nothing more than personal, forgetting over and over again that, as Gloria Steinem said, “The personal is political.”
Montana Was Made for the Wild Man: Women and Bad Boys
We need to feel a connection to the heroic, so often defined as inherently male.
Escaping the Labyrinth of Nostalgia
As the first copies of my memoir, Little Brother, begin to circulate, I’m struck by the way some friends have responded to the photograph of Jonathan on the cover.
Little Brother Comes Home
Jonathan will be back in the place he loved best, and the only place he ever felt he really belonged.
Flashing on the Sixties
I am not an unequivocal admirer of that period, those people, and all that they caused—or helped to cause—to happen, in the early 1960’s and continuing to this day.
How often have those of us—and there are many—whose sharp intelligence and ambition have not provided an escape from unresolved psychological problems found a route to normalcy through intellectual achievement and acceptance?
Can we be forgiven for signing these disreputable contracts, which often do not stipulate the amount of money we are expected to contribute to the publishing of our books until after we’ve signed?
White Privilege
As I begin to re-read piles of research, looking for details I may have missed and will want to include in this final revision of Little Brother, I find myself face to face with this issue.
Little Brother
For the past four years, I’ve been chipping away at this complicated and difficult subject…
This Writer’s Life
The writer’s challenge is always to create the life rather than the theory or the explanation of the life…