20 Favorites of 2021
After this turbulent, difficult but ultimately enlightening year, I’m sending you my favorite posts.
This is my New Year’s gift to you, my devoted readers. — Sallie
After this turbulent, difficult but ultimately enlightening year, I’m sending you my favorite posts.
This is my New Year’s gift to you, my devoted readers. — Sallie
by Sallie Bingham in Kentucky 3 Comments
I might have forgotten Groundhog Day entirely except for a box that’s just arrived from my dear friend, Wren Smith, in Kentucky.
In Kentucky Kentucky Foundation for Women Hopscotch House 21 Favorites of 2021
The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation’s grant of 1.6 million dollars to pay for the digitalization of thousands of tape-recorded oral histories of indigenous people has a special meaning for me.
In Writing, New Mexico 21 Favorites of 2021 Doris Duke The Silver Swan
by Sallie Bingham in Kentucky 1 Comment
by Sallie Bingham in Kentucky 2 Comments
Mark Twain’s novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, easily his masterpiece, was published eighteen years earlier and would have given the ladies palpitations if they had dared to read it.
In Kentucky United Daughters of the Confederacy 21 Favorites of 2021 The Lost Cause
by Sallie Bingham in Kentucky 6 Comments
Wake up, you well-off widows! We are all part of a world that is threatened by our individual decisions.
In Kentucky Louisville Wolf Pen Branch Mill Farm 21 Favorites of 2021
by Sallie Bingham in Art, Travel 2 Comments
by Sallie Bingham in Women, New Mexico 1 Comment
Does fearlessness on the part of girls and young women cancel judgement and common sense?
In Women, New Mexico Elizabeth Cady Stanton 21 Favorites of 2021
by Sallie Bingham in Travel 1 Comment
by Sallie Bingham in Writing, Travel 1 Comment
The habit of forming pacts to shape her chosen life began when Karen Blixen was standing on a granite boulder at Folehave with her younger brother Thomas, then fourteen.
In Writing, Travel 21 Favorites of 2021 Isak Dinesen Denmark