Recently I toured the Las Trampas Church where the elaborate interior, with altar screen, bultos, and other religious paintings was being skillfully restored by local craftsmen.
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness
…Not exactly a wilderness but a great expanse of desert, south of Santa Fe, that goes on for miles and miles to the sprawling town of Alamogordo.
My Bear Is Back
I know she/they are back because my tube bird feeders are lying on the ground, seeds scattered and gone.
Girls Reset the Equation
As the country turns away from supporting issues crucial to girls’ and women’s health, the scorn that is faced by all women, especially those young enough to appear vulnerable, is creating a mental health crisis.
Where Are the Snows of Yesterday?
As we move into another dry, warm winter here in the high desert Southwest, it’s sometimes hard to believe that this may be what we are going to experience for the indefinite future…
Woman Honks Horn
The Rio Grande Sun devotes a whole page to its police blotter.
Apache Mesa Ranch Resolved
The ranch is not really for us human beings with our thin skins and our need for comfort.
Women Lead the Way
I find myself getting annoyed: not another fundraiser when I’d rather be taking Pip for his evening walk and making some more progress in the book I’m reading!
Political Correctness: Carried Too Far?
Margaret raises what has always been a complex issue: should men be included in celebrations of women?
The Cruelest Month
It’s always fun to dispute with Mr. Eliot who used to reign supreme in English Departments all over this country.