I sometimes think I go to church to hear what I don’t want to hear. After all what would be the use of hearing reinforcements of my rock-hard opinions?
No Onions in Four Languages
The old vows for heterosexual couples now seem not only outdated but impossibly demanding; gay couples perhaps have a different attitude.
Dead Souls
What happened to the energy and hope that created the Women’s Movement? The urge to reform capitalism that was a part of the 1960s?
Why I Believe
I have no other way to accept—or begin to accept—the tragedies over four generations that have engulfed my birth family.
Children in Church
They made no noise, having been warned beforehand, and perhaps silenced by the the powerful male voices of the priests and the bellowing of the organ. But they moved. Oh, how they moved…
After Waiting A Long Time
After waiting a long time, years in fact, I was finally able to buy two tickets to Robert Mirabal’s performance here in Santa Fe, at the old Canyon Road restaurant and bar, El Farol.