I’ve once again chosen my most popular posts of 2018, based on views, comments, Tweets and Facebook likes.
Eagle-eyed readers may notice “Faith for the Faithless” was technically published in 2017, but it was after my favorites of last year were published… so I’m making one small exception.
I always do appreciate your support and comments – what was your favorite? — Sallie
Single Blessedness
My self is precious, and it needs and deserves nourishing as the center of my life, not an outcropping.
To Be of Use: The Lisa Unger Baskin Collection
A great collection is always based on a passion. It is not random. It grows from a strong root.
Victoria’s Secret Goes Down
I look for changes that seem small, even ridiculously small, and yet may herald changed attitudes in this slow-moving country of ours.
Our desire to be liked and loved is passionate, unequivocal, and it makes us vulnerable to every rejection.
Death of Ten Thousand Pricks
Scheduled to be published in August, 2018, The Silver Swan is now delayed till sometime in 2019.
These days if a writer is smitten with the idea of writing a new book—a new analysis—of any supposedly well-known person, the obstacles to her research will be enormous.
Doris Duke: Love, Sex, Power and Money
Does it matter that she never found her match in terms of money, status and achievement?
My Family
A Few of My Favorite Things
I am particularly blessed in these special places that seem to have come into my life by chance or luck but are in fact the material manifestations of prayer.
New Mexico
The Welcoming of Friends
Over the twenty-seven years I’ve lived in Santa Fe, many people have come and many people have gone.
From Dream to Reality
It is finished after almost two years of work, with many changes—some of them drastic, others simply disappointing—along the way.
The Ruts Remain
Bells are ringing all over Santa Fe and the Plaza is blindingly bright with tree-strung lights…
A Nation Afraid
I’ve been wondering why we in the blessed U.S. seem so frightened of just about everything.
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